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Survey to Short Companion Paper with ICPR 2022 Best Student Paper Selection

Dear Student  Author, 

As your paper was selected from the 50 best student paper, the RRPR organizers want to propose you to apply to a short compagnion papers that is destinated to hiighlight the main steps to reproduce the results of you main ICPR paper (by describing more in details for instance the algorithm, the parameters influence and stability, the technical details of implementtion to make easier the final reproduction). 

The accepted short papers will be published in the Springer Nature LNCS post proceedings of the wrokshop RRPR and could be presented as short presentation from poster or oral. (see https://rrpr2022.sciencesconf.org for more details)

In order to estimate the reviewing ressource, could you please mention of you are interested in the proposition.

Thanks a lot in advance and hoping to meet you in Montreal! in August.

RRPR chairs with ICPR Best Student price Chair.


Il y a 4 questions dans ce questionnaire.